Challenge Email
Challenge Email – Is an email that is sent to an unknown user that has passed through SpamBully's Bayesian filter but is not yet in your Allow list or Contacts. An email is sent to an emailer who has sent you an email asking them to confirm they are a valid user by typing in a special password from the Challenge Email. When they reply to this email they are added to your Allow list. This is usually an effective means of limiting spam since spammers do not respond to emails of this type as it is not cost effective. However, a legitimate emailer usually does not mind responding to a Challenge Email and will respond to the message successfully. Once a user is in your Allow list, Contacts or Address Book, they are no longer sent challenge emails. (WARNING: It is not recommended to use Challenge Emails when you belong to listservs. Listservs are newsletter/group discussion type emails that allow you to participate with other users in a discussion via email. You can post questions to the group and receive answers. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE CHALLENGE EMAILS WHEN PARTICIPATING IN THESE TYPES OF GROUPS!!! This will cause a challenge message to be sent to everyone in the group. This is considered extremely rude and not proper net etiquette. You have been warned!) 1. Enabling Challenge - By default, Challenge is disabled. To enable Challenge messages go to the SpamBully 3 menu > options > customize filter > select the Challenge email checkbox > click the apply button at the bottom. This will enable Challenge messages. Two items will now be made available. One is the Challenge folder in outlook. The second item is a new tab in the Allow/Block list. 3.) Challenge Edit Box – Allows you to edit the message that is sent out in a Challenge Email. Once done editing the message hit the Apply button to save the changes. 4.) Challenge messages detected as good - This check box option will challenge users that appear to be good by the filter but are not yet in your Allow list, Contacts, or Address Book.
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