Don't confuse Bounce not working with not being removed from a spammers list. Many spammers use fake email addresses or don't check their emails. Even if spammers do check their email, they may not remove you from a list. With that being said, lets move on to troubleshooting Bounce on your computer.
First, make sure Bounce isn't working by sending an email to yourself and then bouncing it. If that doesn't work, you can try a special program we have for troubleshooting the Bounce feature.
You can download this program and there is an option to "Get DNS" servers button.
If this does not return an IP address and is blank, then this is the problem. We can not get information from your DNS server's which we need to look up mail servers to send bounced messages to. You may want to try adding your DNS servers to your TCP/IP configuration to see if that helps.
If you are using a firewall program, you may need to open port 25 but this is usually ok already for most users.
Finally, if it is not bouncing but it is returning the IP address of the DNS server, then the most likely problem is that your ISP is blocking outgoing mail sent from their users computers across port 25. ISP's do this because port 25, the port that mail must be sent out across, is also the port that spammers use to send spam from with their bulk mailing programs. So to prevent spam from going out over their networks, ISP's will block traffic on this port. Unfortunately, there is no way to bypass this and Bounce will not work with these ISP's.
Details on how Bounce works. (Advanced)
SpamBully is acting as an smtp server, resolving the mx record for the message and then trying to directly connect with the remote mail server. It queries your local dns server for the location of the mx server of the bounce message that needs to be sent. It then sends this through its own internal smtp server. The Bounce feature does NOT use your ISP SMTP server and copies of the messages do not appear in the sent items folder. Your ISP may also block these types of outgoing messages because spammers make use of the same port to send out their spam messages. So blocking this port limits spam being sent from subscriber's computers.
(NOTE: To test the Bounce message it is best to send test messages between two regular ISP email connections. If you are on an Exchange server and send bounce messages on the internal network, it probably will not work. This is because there are not proper email headers sent when Exchange delivers mail to internal mailboxes. Also, free web based emails may classify incoming bounce messages as spam and move them to the bulk folder. They also tend to block bounce type messages altogether.)